Voting While Black Leadership Training FAQ

What is Color Of Change PAC?

Color Of Change Political Action Committee (COC PAC) is focused on building independent Black political power, amplifying Black voices, electing candidates who share our values and holding them accountable to our communities. COC PAC helps people respond effectively to injustice in the world by ensuring that Black issues are addressed by candidates looking to win with our community’s votes. As a national, Black Super PAC we push candidates to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people.

Who should attend this event?

You! If you are reading this now then there is something interesting to you about building Black joy and political power in this crucial moment in our country. We are looking for people who want to do something purposeful and strategic to make the lives of Black people better, who want to deepen their leadership skills and take responsibility for creating more Black joy in our communities.

What can I expect at this event?

This is an intensive, two-day experience that will change your life!

On Day 1, we come together with other Black people and allies who stand for racial justice to build community, practice organizing and leadership skills and launch Color Of Change PAC Squads. Then on Day 2, we put those skills to action by co-leading an Voting While Black Text-A-Thon to train more volunteers and together engage 100,000 Black voters to use their power in this year’s election.

What is a Color Of Change PAC Squad?

A Color Of Change PAC squad is a group of people who care about making the world a more humane and less hostile world for Black people and who commit to organizing their community as a way to do so.

Color Of Change PAC Squads will be trained and supported by Color Of Change PAC staff to collaborate with each other, family and friends to engage Black voters to win key races this election, hold corporate and political leaders accountable to Black people beyond Election Day, build the leadership skills of more Black people to participate in our democracy, and build more Black joy in the process.

This sounds like a lot! I’m not sure if I have the time.

Beyond this two-day commitment, the amount of time and energy you spend on Color Of Change PAC squad goals is up to you and your squad. At camp, we will give you the skills and framework for building more Black joy and political power and you will create your local plan to do so. You can decide which role you take on the team based on your interests and skills.

One of the goals of the squads is to expand your squad and bring new people into this process as many hands make light work and real-world change more possible. We cannot do this alone. We need each other to build the people power it takes to win.

Is this an overnight training?

Yes it is. We want to use all the time we have together over the course of one weekend to get to know each other and have some fun while we are building our leadership and a plan to engage more Black voters. To this effect, we are asking training participants to stay one night at a hotel with double occupancy. Single occupancy rooms can be arranged for special circumstances and needs. A COC PAC team member will follow up with you directly to confirm your lodging after you register online through this page.

What if my question wasn’t answered here?

No worries. Once you sign up for camp through this registration page, a COC PAC team member will be calling you. They will share more about the agenda for the 2-day camp and Black voter contact action, as well as answer any remaining questions you have about the experience and the commitment we are asking from camp participants.

Hope to see you at our training!