The Movement to Transform Safety and Policing In Minneapolis Continues Beyond The 2021 Local Election
Rashad Robinson, Spokesperson for Color Of Change PAC, issued this statement following the results of Minneapolis City Question Two to create a new Department of Public Safety:
“The movement to expand public safety in Minneapolis wouldn’t have been possible without Black organizers and Black community leaders throughout Minneapolis who fought for a new public safety system. Originally a petition, this amendment was put on the ballot with the support of over 20,000 Minneapolians. Before the petition, 20,000 people would have been unimaginable. Now, the calls to expand the resources and avenues to address public safety are growing every day. Color Of Change PAC remains committed to supporting the community-led efforts across the country to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America. We will continue to support organizers across the country who are designing and implementing new systems of public safety that keep Black and brown communities safe.” said Rashad Robinson, spokesperson for Color Of Change PAC.
“Despite the growing momentum and ongoing calls for change we lost at the ballot box, but make no mistake this is only the beginning. Mayor Jacob Frey tried to block the city council from enacting this, but Minneapolis wasn’t deterred. The ballot initiative was pushed to this election, and Minneapolis remained undeterred. These attempts will not stop Minneapolis from taking a comprehensive public health approach to safety that ensures everyone can safely access the appropriate care.”
“The murder of George Floyd last year sparked a national outcry for police accountability, racial justice, and reform. This movement demonstrated the need for cities across the country to change their emergency response practices. Even though ballot question #2 wasn’t approved this year, we will continue to fight to expand what safety looks like for Black and brown communities. In doing so, we will challenge how our society views safety and the resources attached to addressing public safety, in hopes of providing a more just and equitable future for all.” Rashad Robinson added.
Here are a few of the key statistics about Color Of Change PAC’s efforts to mobilize voters for this important measure:
- Trained and mobilized more than 699 volunteers and event attendees
- Contacted 255,157 voters (numbers dialed, numbers texted) including:
- 190,297 texts sent to voters
- 64,860 conversations held with voters
- Held 26,247 conversations with voters through phone and text
- Hosted 59 events and made 5 lit drops empowering Black joy through community building, service and accountability
- Mailed 35,000 households two waves of direct mail to all Black voters and members
- Over 935,981 digital ad impressions highlighting member videos and driving voters to COC PAC resources
- Sent 3,330,215 million emails to GOTV, educate members and event recruitment
- Launched 180,756 broadcast SMS to mobilize members
- Our billboard that illustrates the benefits ballot question #2 would provide to the Minneapolis community has been viewed approximately 833,147 times between October 18 and November 2.
Color Of Change PAC is a Political Action Committee focused on building independent Black political power, amplifying Black voices, electing candidates who share our values, and holding them accountable to our communities. For more information on Color Of Change PAC, visit