Sheldon Neeley
For Flint MayorAfter 4 years of a water crisis, under-resourced schools, and lack of job opportunities, Flint needs a mayor that we can hold accountable. On Tuesday, November 5th, Flint residents have the power to elect a leader who is committed to restoring trust, transparency, and truth to the Flint mayor’s office. On November 5th, be sure to cast your vote for Sheldon Neeley.
Representative Sheldon Neeley (D) has lived in Flint his whole life, and knows his community. He has served on the Flint City Council and is currently serving his third term in the Michigan House of Representatives, where his progressive leadership has:
- Persistently sought accountability for those responsible for the water crisis
- Helped establish the Flint Promise, which provides free college or greatly reduced tuition to students graduating Flint high schools
- Pushed to open the Flint Development Literacy Lab to teach kids and adults literacy skills
- Introduced legislation that would automatically erase criminal records for those convicted of certain marijuana-related crimes, and has hosted Expungement Fairs over the years to inform affected individuals of their rights and streamline the expungement process
We’re supporting Sheldon Neeley for mayor because we need someone we can count on, and we believe he’s the candidate that is willing to listen to the people of Flint.
If elected, Sheldon Neeley will implement his 5-point plan:
Economics and Education
1. Develop a financial plan that will assist with the water rates problem and provide better resources for residents
2. Ensure that all children receive a high-quality education by advocating against school closures and increase class sizes
Residential and Safety
3. Enact common-sense steps to end gun violence and reform the criminal justice system
4. Build trust between law enforcement and communities of color
5. Work with partners and the government to provide better services for residents.
Tuesday, November 5th is the day to vote Sheldon Neeley for Mayor of Flint. Remember, you can vote early with an absentee ballot or at the polls on election day between 7am-8pm. You can print the form to request an absentee ballot here and then make sure to submit it by November 1 by mail, or by November 4 in person at the Flint City Clerk’s Office! The address is 1101 Saginaw St. # 201C, Flint, MI 48502.
Election Day
Other Important Dates
Ways You Can Participate
Color Of Change PAC is dedicated to increasing Black voter participation to build a powerful Black voting block. We want to make sure that every eligible, Black voter is registered and their vote is accounted for on EVERY election day. Our goal is to ensure that we’re not leaving a single vote behind.
Register Voters
Lead a voter registration effort in your neighborhood to make sure that your friends, family and neighbors are registered to vote at their current address.
Bookmark this link on your phone so you can help voters easily check their registration.
Meet and Greet
Meet with local black business owners (barber shops, beauty salons, insurance agencies, etc.) and share how they can help register voters and how they can help collect Black Voter info to make these races even more competitive.
Share our voter guide
Download and share our voter guide for Sheldon Neeley.
Door-knocking for Sheldon Neeley in Flint
Join us to talk to our neighbors about electing Sheldon Neeley in the Flint Mayor’s Election!
We’ll offer training at the start, so no worries if you’ve never done this before! Feel free to bring your family and friends as we engage across generations. RSVP today!
Donate to help keep our program sustainable. We’re funded by grassroots supportors like you. Recurring donations help ensure we can continute our mission.
Find Your Polling Place
When you visit the polling booth on the day of the election, you must present 1 document to prove your identity, such as your:
- Michigan driver’s license or non-driver ID card.
- U.S. passport.
- A copy of your current utility bill, bank statement, or paycheck.
Click here to find your polling place, and be sure to vote on Tuesday, November 5th.