
Color Of Change PAC By The Numbers: Record Black voter engagement this election season

Over 25,000 volunteers mobilized and 6.65 million direct voter contacts in key races across the country in the largest mobilization of independent Black voters and volunteers in the 2020 cycle

(November 3, 2020) — Color Of Change PAC, the political action committee of one of the nation’s largest online racial justice group, released end-of-cycle statistics for its #VotingWhileBlack campaign. The PAC targeted and supported the leadership of Black voters this cycle, revealing that it has mobilized one of this election’s largest independent team of Black grassroots volunteers through its signature Black Joy events and trainings. These included Black Joy brunch calls, “Sip and Send” and “Dine and Dial” virtual text-a-thons and phone banking, their Black Joy Drive-in movie series, and PPE stations. Color Of Change PAC tactics specifically targeted Black voters that are often overlooked by campaigns. Lifting up down-ballot races, the PAC centered efforts on District Attorney elections and pushed for criminal justice reform across the country.

As one of the largest Black PACs in the country, Color Of Change PAC successfully pivoted most of their programming to virtual events due to the Covid-19 pandemic and still engaged record numbers – over 6.65 MILLION people across the country. The shift was not new for Color Of Change PAC, a digital-first organization, as they quickly ramped up their online organizing tactics.  

Here are a few of the key statistics about Color Of Change PAC’s contributions to this election: 

46 CANDIDATES ENDORSED that placed criminals justice reform on the ballot and pledged for real lasting change for Black people


25,781 voters checked their voter registration, registered to vote, verified their voter registration, or requested their ballot

6.65 MILLION VOTERS CONTACTED (numbers dialed, numbers texted), INCLUDING  

163,559,082 EMAILS SENT (since mid-September)

525,512 BLACK VOTERS CALLED (since early October)

6,131,188 TEXT CONVERSATIONS in key battleground states like Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania 

Over 3.9 MILLION DIRECT MAIL pieces sent


Over 690 EVENTS HELD, with 8,633 ATTENDEES


4 BLACK JOY MOVIE DRIVE-INS with over 2,000 attendees (Photos available)


10,832,365 GOTV TEXTS SENT 

“All of these efforts, from having one-on-one text conversations with Black voters to hosting PPE drives, have been focused on contacting our 7 million members, as well as irregular Black voters in key states, making sure that they’re prepared to vote and can vote safely,” said Arisha Hatch, Executive Director of Color Of Change PAC. “This election cycle has shown us how Trump and his administration were relentless in suppressing and attacking Black voters, but despite all of that, we will continue to organize, to show up and exercise our power.”    

Color Of Change PAC volunteer operations were heavily active in races in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. A full list of endorsed candidates can be found here:


Color Of Change PAC is a Political Action Committee focused on building independent Black political power, amplifying Black voices, electing candidates who share our values, and holding them accountable to our communities. For more information on Color Of Change PAC, visit

Paid Pol. Adv. paid for by ColorOfChange PAC,
1714 Franklin St., Oakland, CA 94612, independently of and not authorized by any federal, state, or local candidate or candidate’s committee.